Remove Default Status Bar

Remove Default Status Bar

« posted: Jan 08, 2017, 09:09 AM »
Hello, I have added a status bar and I am having issues finding the location of the current status bar A3Wasteland Comes with, I want to remove the ATM Money and the Health but keep food and water displayed, But I cant seem to find the location of it in the files. can someone point me in the direction here is the problem.
I can't seem to find the location of the default one.

Re: Remove Default Status Bar

« Reply #1 posted: Jan 08, 2017, 09:49 AM »
Why keep food/water, when you can have them both in the improved status bar?

For the other question:

Find ..


and edit ..

Code: [Select]
// Icons in bottom right

_strArray = [];
if (_atmEnabled) then {
_strArray pushBack format ["%1 <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\suatmm_icon.paa'/>", [player getVariable ["bmoney", 0]] call fn_numbersText];

_strArray pushBack format ["%1 <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\money.paa'/>", [player getVariable ["cmoney", 0]] call fn_numbersText];

if (_survivalSystem) then {
_strArray pushBack format ["%1 <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\water.paa'/>", ceil (thirstLevel max 0)];
_strArray pushBack format ["%1 <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\food.paa'/>", ceil (hungerLevel max 0)];

if (!_unlimitedStamina) then {
_strArray pushBack format ["%1 <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\running_man.paa'/>", 100 - ceil ((getFatigue player) * 100)];

_strArray pushBack format ["<t color='%1'>%2</t> <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\health.paa'/>", _healthTextColor, _health];